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We bring wildlife back to America's parks.


The Problem

In the past century, greed and ignorance ravaged wildlife until parks set boundaries. Wildlife were stripped from lands and waters in a dark chapter of history that in some countries continues…


Today, America’s recovering populations battle health, genetic diversity, human-conflict, and habitat challenges.

The Solution

The Wildlife Restoration Foundation (WRF) is bringing wildlife back to parks through direct interventions of expertise, operational resources, supplies, and even animals and plants to regrow lost populations.


WRF draws local communities and park visitors into lasting wildlife stewardship.


We support grasslands benefits of livestock ranching and preserving America’s rural way of life.


Preserving and strengthening the health of our ranches…


  • Recognizes our country’s heritage and contribution of hard-working ranchers who have sustained the land for generations

  • Provides homes for various types of wildlife and helps sequester carbon by keeping soil intact

  • Halts development turning grassland habitats into subdivisions, malls and parking lots

  • Resists rising area property taxes forcing rural families to sell their land

  • Provides income and employment for rural families and sustains small town businesses


Get Involved

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I Am Bear Safe

Become a Park Gateway Partner!

“I Am Bear Safe”TM is a multi-partner Wildlife Coexistence Strategy designed to equip National Park gateway communities to “train people not to train bears” to get in trouble"


Sponsor Specific Needs

Select and contribute items that our Zoo-Park Partnerships will use to fight deadly animal disease, raise animals to replenish vacant habitats, ward off invasive species, and create safe havens for wildlife.

Coming in 2025!


Make a Difference Today!

When you make a tax-deductible donation to WRF, you're supporting the most effective solutions for "boots on the ground" protection of wildlife and habitats.

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