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The Zoo-Park Partnerships (ZPPs) WildLifeLine Catalog delivers mission-critical supplies, equipment and services most needed by National parks and their dedicated zoo and aquarium partners. Select and contribute items that our Zoo-Park Partnerships will use to fight deadly animal disease, raise animals to replenish vacant habitats, ward off invasive species, and create safe havens for wildlife.
Whether contributed by you or as a gift on behalf of someone else, purchases of WildLifeLine items are the most direct way to help park wildlife survive. WRF also values donations to the ZPPs Project that enable us to add more parks and wildlife species. You can even direct your donation to support a specific place or animal, and we’ll do our best to use our funds to benefit them.
Our donors are our partners. We will report back to you just how your contribution changed the lives of park wildlife.

WRF is a tax-exempt public charity as described in section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, and donations are tax deductible.




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